Our process is specifically designed to facilitate a stable and fair transition for you.

  • I will gather insights about your business and offer a fair market assessment of its current value.

    I understand your dedication to your business operations, so my goal is to avoid disruptions to your operations.

  • I will draft a letter of intent (LOI) to express my interest in purchasing your business. This document outlines the basic terms of our agreement, such as the proposed purchase price, key assets included, and any conditions that need to be met before finalizing the deal. The LOI serves as a starting point for our negotiations and shows my commitment to moving forward with the acquisition process.

  • I will initiate the due diligence process conducting in-depth reviews of financial records, legal documents, operational procedures, and market analyses.

  • Based on experience, closing usually takes approximately 90 days. The closing includes a flexible payout at a fair price that supports sustainability of the company.

  • I will focus on long-term growth, building on the' foundation you built and empowering the team for success. I strongly believe in a team-focused approach, fostering collaboration, and empowering employees.